If I did a presentation at a symposium, I would present something that I was interested in. I think I would present on how music from the past, like the Beatles, 50's doo-wop, and Elvis, is present in today's music. There is influence from the most basic music.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The symposium presentation I went to, was actually my brother, Tyler Kirk. He presented his research on what he called "Our Gentle Father: Soft Stalinism and the Historical Development of the Stalinist System." I learned about how in today's culture there is still a focus on the figure of a man that Stalin was. Children of my time are saying that he did good things for Russia and created opportunity. Tyler's presentation didn't focus on the negatives of stalin, but how Stalin developed Russia. I liked the presentation because I knew he had been working on this topic for a long time, but I finally got to hear just what it is that he was working on. It was interesting to hear a different side of Stalinism.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Chapter 14: Succeeding in Your Teacher Education Program--and Beyond
My concerns with teaching are, not being able to fulfill the things that I have set for myself because of unexpected occurrences, having extreme difficulty with a subject, being unable to help a student as much as I would like, not knowing enough, and finding a job.
The area of concern that is most present is IMPACT. Most all my concerns were about teaching and how I will impact my students and me hoping that I will be a sufficient teacher.
Chapter 13: Improving Teachers and Schools, and School Reform
Before I graduate, I would like to have experience in the field. I want to learn what it is really like to be a teacher and be able to say that I have ample qualifications to teach before I go into the profession.
During the first few years of teaching, I hope to learn more about myself as a teacher and how to approach certain situations in the most affective ways. I want to experience intense classes where I have to work hard, and classes that show progress. To be well rounded in the first few years of teaching is a goal of mine.
through my experience at school and from the first few years of teaching, I want to become a more aware teacher and qualified to do my job. I believe that nothing teaches better than experience. If I can experience teaching in all ways than I think that I will benefit greatly.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Chapter 6: Social Context of Schools
To help students handle bullying, harassment, and intolerance, I will help provide a place for my students to learn about these things and just what they are. Sometimes kids don't know that they are a part of these things and until they talk about them or learn about them do they realize that they might be a victim or the accused. Giving the students a place to learn about such things gives them the opportunity to stop before things get out of hand.
If there is a student in my midst that is the bully, or is distracting a student, I will handle it. I would most likely take the bully to the office and have him punished. I wouldn't involve the child that was being bullied for the bully might blame to kid. Taking action seems like the right thing to do, but in some instances being careful is also something that has to be done. Some situations call for more than just taking one student to be punished, there are deeper precautions that could be taken, like making sure other teachers are keeping an eye out for such things and able to take care of situations in appropriate manner.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Chapter 4: Schools as the Workplace for Students and Teachers
In regards to teaching and how schools are staffed, our Build-a-school was constructed in a way that teachers have more say and power than usual. Usually it is just administration who constructs and monitors what goes, but in our school it were the teachers who had a lot of say. Comparatively, our school was similar to the the United States because of the different levels of teaching. Communication is vital in any teaching setting, and in our schooling system that is one of the most vital pieces to a successful school. One of the differences was that our teachers stay put in the grade they teach. They don't move with the students. In a high school setting, the teachers might teacher the same kids again, but they will not have the same class over and over. Our school is different from the United States when it comes to funding. A lot of schools in the U.S. are funded by the government or by the state. Our school is funded by the community, giving the community, the ones who are attending and surrounding the school a chance to have part in the school atmosphere. The role of the Government is limited. Our school seems unique because of how we have opened it up to a public setting in terms of who has a say in the school and who pays. Having the school as a community fed school allows for programs to be created that benefit not only the community, but surrounding areas.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Chapter 3: Families and Communities
Language and cultural diversity are very beneficial assets for the teaching and learning process. In a classroom that has language and culture diversity, there is a place for students and teachers to learn of different aspects of life and how to interact with different cultures. As said by Gene E. Hall, "Being able to function comfortably in different cultures allows educators to cross cultural borders, incorporating the students' cultures and experiences into curriculum and classroom activities. It also allows teachers to model respect for cultural differences and the cultural borders some students must cross on a daily bases." Diversity allows for great learning and teaching possibilities. Not only does it allow for the teacher to model appropriate ways to handle diversity and how to accept other cultural ways, it is a great learning situation for students.
Friday, April 2, 2010
How do I start thinking like a teacher (instead of as a student)?
I feel that sometimes, when I am put into certain situations, I start to think more like a teacher. Other times I feel that I am still thinking as a student. When we deal with situations that have to do with helping students or helping others, it seems that my teacher like instincts arrive and I start to think more like a teacher. I think that the path we are going in class is very helpful in getting me to think more like a teacher. I feel that by the end of the semester I will be better and more likely to be thinking like one.
Which theories and historical influences should most impact the schools we'd like to have
I'm not sure that we have covered this yet in class or have read about it. I do understand that there are many theories and historical influences that form the schools in our societies. I feel that after having read some material on this or having discussed it in class, I would better understand it.
How can diversity in the classroom help me be a better teache
We have not yet covered this in class, but from my previous class, I have learned the importance of diversity. In my SED 101 class, we discussed the importance of diversity in the classroom and how it can positively or negatively affect a classroom setting. Diversity is a very important thing for a teacher to have experience with. Having diversity can help a teacher overcome difficult situations where there might be students from a different culture of different background than yourself. Being diverse creates more opportunities for learning, which helps a teacher be better at his of her job.
How Can I be Successful at UMF
I have learned to be successful at UMF through looking through student guides and handbooks. I received these things before the class, but when I have to look up standards and guidelines for UMF, I can look them up in my books. I have also learned from my teachers throughout the past semesters. The teachers that I have had are the ones that have helped me to realize what it is that I have to do to become successful. They are the ones that have the most guidance and insight on what one should do to become successful here at UMF.
How Do I Become a Teacher
Through the reading that we have done so far in class and the discussion of the reading, I feel like I have a better understanding of how I can become a teacher. In the first chapter of The Joy of Teaching, I learned about the things that I would have to be in anticipation of to get my license to teach. To become a teacher I have to have completed things like Praxis and have received my certification. The most important thing that I learned, was that I had to attain the most I can at school and from the classes I am taking to become a teacher, for they will help me learn more of what or who I want to be.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Things I Need to Know
I read about four important things that UMF Secondary Education majors should know and this is how they affect me.
1. Praxis
*The test has three parts that I have to pass in order to teach.
* It has to be passed in order to get a license.
* I would need to improve some skills before taking it
* The test costs money, therefor it impacts me.
2. Transferring
* This does not affect me.
* It does show that you have to be doing well in any major to transfer.
* Transferring affects me because I am transferring away from education. Any information is helpful.
* It is important to be aware of how you are doing in school and the path you might take.
3. Practicum
* It is important to have a decent GPA.
* This doesn't directly affect me because of my major changing, but it still shows the importance of doing well.
* Being able to apply for Practicum is only allowed if you meet certain guidelines. This shows me that I must carry myself in a professional manner.
* I would have to make sure my schedule could handle Practicum if I chose to come back to Education
4. Laptop Requirement
* I have a laptop that meets the requirements.
* I received it through UMF.
* Laptops allow access to Campus, Major, and General information about UMF that helps make my education successful.
* Having a laptop means that I can successfully find my way through technology. I will be ahead of those who have not had the benefit of having a laptop so far.
Professional Organizations
These are some professional organizations that support teachers.
-National Education Association
-International Reading Association
-National Council of Teachers of English
-American Federation of Teachers-A Union of Professionals
Friday, March 26, 2010
Chapter 2: Today's Students
In the text, “The Joy of Teaching,” Gene E. Hall and others express the affect of socioeconomic status on students and their education. There are different ranges to the status of families, ranging from low-income families, to the middle class, up to the upper middle class. Hall presents that students who come from low-income families usually have health problems and are unable to attain higher education, making them struggle to live. The middle class, or the White and Blue-collar workers are families that make enough money to live and support their families and are more able to attend higher education, allowing for more opportunity. The higher class families are able to ensure that their kids “able to achieve high academic levels and attend college,” because of the wealth they can achieve (66). Socioeconomic status affects the level of education that one can achieve and the life that they lead.
Chapter 1: Becoming a Teacher
· Joy would be brought to a teacher when the student they are teaching starts to understand the material, or finally “gets it.”
· Helping develop young minds and being able to fill them with the courage and the motivation to learn more.
· Being able to support students in a positive way so that they may go on to succeed in college, and in their lives.
· The amount of assessments that have to be taken to prove your teaching ability.
· The difficulty of finding a job where you want to because of socioeconomic status or availability.
· An un-joyful aspect of teaching would be the stress of being put in to a situation that you are not ready for.
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